Responding to changing times
2020 has been a challenging year for us all. For many Clinicians and Health/Dental practitioners lockdown meant an almost instant shutdown of business and has led to ongoing insecurity about patient confidence, staff safety and business resilience.
We have all changed the way that we live and do business in the last six months. For any Clinic in any discipline, online engagement has become key. For users of AeronaClinic this has been an easier journey than for most.
Remote working requires a practice management solution that is:
- Accessible by practice staff remotely with full functionality and security.
- Accessible by patients online for core communications, enquiries and triage
- A digital communications hub for staff and patients
- Easy and engaging to use
If your practice was tied to a desktop system, or required landlines for telephone communication, then remote working presented huge difficulties. For AeronaClinic users the solution to remote working was already there, but the skills to implement it may ot have been.
We embarked on a series of free user webinars to engage and upskill our customers with the remote working functionality that AeronaClinic offers and ensure that they were using the Patient Portal and Design & Sign features correctly.
We provided further sessions around access settings for staff and patients and online engagement and marketing for users. In any crisis communication is key and Aerona ensured that our customers were able to keep in touch with patients, manage recalls and treatment planning to help them get back to business as smoothly and quickly as possible.
There has been huge learning for all businesses this year, but the key message is that the better prepared you are and the better the quality of your resources, the better your chance of adapting and embracing change.
If you are sure that your practice management software is putting your business in the best possible place to grow and thrive in the COVID era then you are probably an Aerona customer already! If not, then book a demo with us and find out how we can help you.